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Actively Intimate Blog

Fall's Star Veg!

Fall's Star Veg!

The colorful gems offer some pretty impressive health perks. Here are seven benefits of sweet potatoes, along with some simple ways to healthfully incorporate sweet potatoes into your everyday meals, snacks, and treats.

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Great Energy™ T’ai Chi

Great Energy™ T’ai Chi

" . . . what I noticed most of all was that I was FINALLY, after years of frustration (stress of busy lives, raising children, multiple moves, financial woes, etc.) connecting with my husband!!!  Could it be this daily morning practice that is giving me back my 'groove'?"

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Discovering T'ai Chi

Discovering T'ai Chi
When I started learning T’ai Chi nearly 20 years ago, I had no idea of the impact it would have on my life.  I just knew that after that first class I felt good and I wanted to try another class.  And so I did . . . Continue reading

Feel Everyday Fabulous

Feel Everyday Fabulous

"Getting older — without being doomed to wrinkle-dom and jiggly thighs — does not require a high-priced trainer and a bucket o' Botox. We swear it. We know it. We asked top researchers to share their stay-young secrets for winding back time naturally. Their advice will help you stay young and have you looking and feeling everyday fabulous . . . "

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Is a Boudoir Photo Session for You?

Is a Boudoir Photo Session for You?
"When done correctly, Boudoir sessions can help you feel beautiful and truly accept yourself – scars, wrinkles, and all. It really becomes less about the pictures and more about the entire experience from start to finish." Continue reading

Are You Punishing Yourself?

Are You Punishing Yourself?
We like this refreshing take on New Year’s resolutions with its focus on loving ourselves.  The last line sums it up nicely and also could serve as our mantra for the new year . . . Continue reading