Commit to the Shuffle

Committing to the shuffle is one way to find the treasures buried deep in your playlist – your favorite classic from high school, the song that reminds you of you-know-who or the one that takes you back to a long-ago memory. Committing to the shuffle means that you take whatever comes without changing course. You’re the one who put that song on your playlist, so hit SHUFFLE and then no forwarding through songs even if you’re not in the mood. And no replaying your favs no matter how much you want to hear them again. Commit to the shuffle and listen to whatever plays in whatever order it plays.
Are you detecting a parallel with real life here? Well, yes, commit to the shuffle goes beyond the music. For me, it’s a way to focus on taking things as they come and preparing myself for walking through the stuff that I would really rather avoid. Commit to the shuffle isn’t for every time you’re in a listening mood. Think of it as a challenge and let us know if you discover a hidden gem in the process.
Here are some treasures I found while committing to the shuffle . . .
What songs did you find?

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